Sunday, January 29, 2012


I'm use to seeing  15 to 20 whitetail deer   and wild turkey  standing at the front  of our house  every  morning, they've been doing it for years -  patiently waiting  for my husband or me to bring out a   bucket of alfalfa and corn blend  to feed them their morning breakfast.

They  faithfully follow us as we place the blend on tree stumps, and scatter it along the rocky path.  One favorite buck, we named Buttons  is always first to greet us, and the first to eat. He prefers nibbling his  pellets  right out of the pail I hold in my hand.

My husband cautions me not to get too attached to the deer,  they are wild after all.  I know he's right.  But,  Buttons is special, a very dear deer you might say.  I could go outside right now, call his name and he'd come to me. Buttons often beds down on a pile of hay outside my study window, and when it's feeding time he  allows me to pet his muzzle.

As I said, it's not at all unusual to see deer, turkey, rabbits, porcupines - once even a raccoon out front. Today, however, we had two new wildlife guests - a mighty sized, magnificent moose and her calf.  The mama's dark chocolate brown color made me think of giant  chocolate bunnies at Easter time - but this moose was no edible candy, she was a marvelous creature of the wild;  Her beauty  awesome to behold.

I watched for the longest time as they stopped to nudge the cold muddy ground with their nose, or chew a piece of green on a leafless tree. They seemed in no hurry to move on,  but cautiously curious about this wooded place, even permitting  me  to to take a few pictures.  Eventually, as if concerned  she might wear out their welcome , Mama  Moose lifted her head and  twixt her ears, as if giving a signal it was time to go,  then  leisurely strolled away.  It didn't take long for  her  young  calf to quickly follow.  I can only hope we made them feel welcome, and they'll stop by to visit another day.

***  Included here is  youtube slideshow of Mama Moose &  Her Calf   (2 minutes)


  1. Hi, Kathy. Saw your link in The Poetry Editor group on LinkedIn. Hope you're writing poems about your deer friends :)

  2. I appreciate your comment, Mary ! Thank you. Yes, I do write poetry about my deer friends :) I'm pleased I joined group The Poetry Editor

  3. Oh so awesome. I always think of Bambi!!!! Thank You!!!


  4. Very cool! Loved the pics & the slide show! Hope I'm lucky enough to see them in person, one day.

  5. Mama Moose is super cool. You are so lucky to have all that beauty around you. And come on, Born Free, nice selection. RL
