Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mama’s Backyard


    May 12. Mother’s Day. I sit outside in my Mother’s backyard. The yard she worked so lovingly in, planting and weeding; decorated with pink flamingos and angels. The yard she enjoyed so much with  her beautiful flowers , the Rosebud tree, squirrels scurrying about  and birds on wing .
     Twenty five years of friends and family who gathered here laughing and talking . My brother, Walt and Jim, Gavin and Gary and Patty. The Howell’s . Jeanne and Brenda , Karen and Mary Lee; the Chapin girls, PaddleFest pals, and many others who graced the backyard with their presence.   Birthday celebrations,  4th of July fireworks , summer luncheons , gentle conversation at twilight .   Little vignettes, now passing moments in time . Happy times, peaceful times in what we thought of as a magical, enchanted place and started calling it, Mom’s Secret Garden.
     Last year at this time  when Mama and I were sitting out back, she looked around and talked about  how lucky she  was to have this backyard, it brought her such joy. "God is so good to me", said Mom, " I think of all the wonderful times with loved ones here, and it makes me smile.”  Along with  the many loved ones ,  the solitude of being  in her backyard,  and the tranquility it brought her lifted Mom’s spirit.  Especially in the last few months of her life.  She loved watching the Morning Doves and Hummingbirds,  and was always so grateful for what she had .
     Mom and  I laughed about a time Walt was here. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we were enjoying the outside.  Walt knew I had been doing some weight training so he wanted to see my ‘body building’ pose . He pressed on , even demonstrating how I should bend forward, pull my arms inward and flex my muscles . Then I did , to All That Jazz playing in the background, and Walt taking pictures like I might be featured in some muscle building video.  There’s no doubt I looked pretty silly,  which got my brother to laughing out loud ,  and our Mom , and all there , including me. It was  one of those   fun, memorable moments in Mom’s backyard !


      As sons and daughters honor their Mother’s today , I remember mine with an everlasting love and deep gratitude for her unconditional love and friendship, for all that we shared . For being everything good and kind , for being the very best of Mother’s, always . And I give thanks to God for making her mine.   I think the endearing, tender note my brother wrote to Mom on Mother’s Day 1991 sums it up pretty good.

Mom , this is your day, but it is also my day, for you are here with me to share it with, if ever a person is more deserving of a day designated to only Mother’s of the world, then there isn’t a finer mother I can think of than you . You’re the best Mother and friend a guy could have . All my love from the beginning of time til the ending of time . Love, Walt. 



     So here I am , Mama, carrying on. Feeling blessed in your backyard for all you were, and all you provided - for your nearness still so close. And for my sons, that they will know my love for them always and forever. A legacy of love from you to me to them.  Happy Mother's Day, Mom ! I love you.