Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Time to Eat

I sit on the  front porch ,
and watch in awe
as deer nibble
Purina Antler Mix,
a blend of alfalfa pellets
and kernels of yellow corn
They eat at their leisure, until
they get their fill,  but
remain on guard against
any  potential enemy; Like
sentry's standing at the
gate, they're alert
and aware of any
unwanted visitor.
A single Blue-Jay
disrupts the silence
with a  noisy
squawk- squawk-squawk
to make  his presence known
and declare his   turn at
the ground covered breakfast food
But  buck and doe ignore
his plea,  and quietly
linger on


  1. Oh how peaceful watching them must be! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Would LOVE to be sitting there with you, just taking in God's masterpieces! ruth
