Monday, July 10, 2023

My Backyard Reverie

 It’s early Monday morning. 4:30 a.m. 
We’re having some thunder, lightening and rain. That’s what
woke me up. i like summer rain. The smell and sound of it.
It’s not quite daylight. The solar lights still aglow in the backyard.
i stand on the porch, caught in a trancelike stare at what’s 
before me. The quiet beauty of this backyard. 
So peaceful and pretty. The many memories of family
and friends it holds in its shelter. And i’m grateful
Lightening darts, and dashes across the sky 
breaking my reverie.
 A warm breeze gently sways the leaves on the trees. 
There’s a rhythm to their movement like there’s a 
rhythm to life; breathing in and out 
Like the swaying of the leaves, we sway back and
forth adapting and adjusting to the music of life. 


  1. God has a way of putting us in a special place at a certain time doesn't he? I love your words and can put myself in your "secret garden" and feel the peacefulness and the breeze.

  2. Wonderful my niece ❤️

  3. I love this! Thank you. You can put into words how I feel. How lucky I have been to call you a friend!
