Tuesday, September 4, 2012

His Birthday in Heaven - September 4

Every Sunday at Mass, after the Gospel reading and homily,  Catholics  proclaim their Profession of Faith  - the end of the  creed is this : I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting . 

By Communion of Saints the church means the union which exists between the members of the church on earth with one another, and with the blessed in Heaven. A spiritual solidarity which binds the faithful together - both living and dead.

I hold this belief dear, and perhaps because of it,  find it   easier   to  picture my brother Walt celebrating his birthday today with the Heavenly crowd.  Surrounded by Angelic well wishers, joyfully singing to him the birthday song.  Others are there  celebrating with him, too  - the faithful departed he knew and loved while on this earth - grandparents, aunts, uncles, and long time  friends.  And Walt is smiling and happy.

I hope, just for a moment Walt looks down from Heaven's door to hear me say, I remember this day,  the day of your birth and how special you were - Happy Birthday, little  brother !  Love from your Sis, always and forever.


  1. A beautiful thought Kathy. Thinking of you and Mom today with love. Sandy :)

  2. Never far from our thoughts....always in our hearts.
