Friday, June 22, 2012

The Fawn

I stand  in the shadow of
an open window,  and quietly
watch a fawn at play
The white spots on her 
back tell how young 
she is,  and  remind me of
snowflakes falling  from 
a winter sky. She  runs ahead 
of her mother,  her legs still
wobbly as she darts  back
and forth across  freshly mowed
grass . I can't be sure,  but it seems
she is smiling, and happy and 
content to be born, living in
such a beautiful place.  Then, mama 
nuzzles her nose , signaling it's nap time, 
and leads  her baby  to a sheltered space ,
secure and safe from dangers
of the wild, and  those 
who would do  her harm

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this.....sounds like a Disney movie!!!!!

