Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tis the Season

What a wonderful season
Advent, the four weeks
 prior to Christmas
to help ready our
hearts in prayerful
meditation for the
birth of  the Wonder
Counselor, the Prince
of Peace, the  tiny
babe born in
Bethlehem,  son of Mary,
Christ the King


The tree is trimmed
and stockings hung,
presents are wrapped;
A wreath on the door
The sweet smell of
pumpkin bread and
cookies baking fill
 the kitchen  while
songs of Christmas are
heard throughout the house;
Frosty the Snowman,
Carol of the Bells, Silent 
Night and  It's the Most
Wonderful Time of the Year


  1. Your writings make Christmas even better..........thank you for this gift!


  2. Amen Kathy Amen.
