Saturday, April 16, 2011

First Pedicure

There the six of us sat , all lined up in a row,  comfortable and relaxed in over sized  massage chairs that snuggled  the contour of our upper body like a baseball in a catcher's mitt. Our ages ranged from 28 years to 74, and at 60 I was at the upper tilt of that scale.  No matter, this was a big day for me , I was about to have my very first pedicure (manicure, too) ,  and was filled  with the same happy anticipation  any twenty year old might have looking forward to experiencing something new.

 Being a  somewhat cautious person, I must admit there was  a wee part of me not quite sure   how  I felt about someone I didn't know  touching my feet, and cutting my toenails. But that  feeling quickly passed   when  Hannah, a soft spoken,  kindly woman of Vietnamese descent gently took my dry, rough  feet,  bathed them in a bowl of  scented  water,  and  wiped them clean. With her experienced hands, she massaged each foot  with soothing ointment and lotion. It was wonderful !  I began to feel more  like a pedigree pup, pampered and spoiled. All the while , my aunt and  cousin, her daughter-in-law, two family friends and me continually chatted and laughed together, enjoying each others company,  and our early morning pedicure party.

 Hannah  used  her  special tools to clip,snip and file, prime and polish,  and  like a sculptor with  his clay,   she  made   my  feet and toes  into a new creation.  Yes,  my first pedicure,  but not my last !


  1. Oh my gosh- I saw the title and just had to read~ I've only had one pedicure, and believe it or not, it was at Walter's persuasion~ another funny note, and one I know he wouldn't mind me sharing- is that he went for pedicures often- he even took photos once of the woman who was sloughing the rough skin off of his feet!
    So nice to read that I was not the only one who had trepidations about someone else touching their feet. Sounds like a lovely time was had by all of you:)

  2. So fun you should mention Walter liking his pedicures... i knew he did, and manicures - i remember commenting to him once his hands looked better than mine :)) & i'm laughin' out loud thinking about both of us having the same trepidations about someone else touching our feet ! Thanks so much for sharing :)))
