Saturday, April 18, 2009


In recent years the internet and email has certainly changed the way we correspond with one another; add to that Instant Messaging , Blogging, Texting and Twitter and soon there'll be no more hand written records . To watch my 6' 3" son use two thumbs and rapidly move them across a tiny cell phone keyboard to 'text' a message to a friend fascinates me; I've tried it a few times and what takes him a nano second takes me 15 minutes !

The quick delivery of all this high speed , fast paced technological way of communicating is beneficial and fun , but I do wonder what becomes of the hand written word; the scribbled notes and long letters once sent to family and friends describing important and not so important things in every day life. They provide a history, a glimspe of a moment in time that can be preserved for children and grandchildren to read and re-read far into the future. So I say, text and twitter but don't throw the pen and paper away !

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