Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Internment

 It will be six years in October since my Mother passed away, and four years since my husband passed. So it may seem strange  it was only today they were both interred. Their final resting place some might say


I suppose the long wait in keeping their urns was because I felt I still had some control; like it was up to me to guard what remained of them - my beloved Mother and darling husband. To keep them close. Even though my faith tells me, and I truly believe their resurrected bodies renewed and made whole are at peace in the Heavenly realm, that their spirit is always with me I still couldn’t surrender them, let them go to a new location, a different resting place not our home where we shared so many happy times. Where there was so much love.  

But slowly my thinking changed. I say God’s grace, His patient guidance. I began to wonder what would happen to their ashes  after my passing. Or if an urn got broken, or misplaced.  Is that a responsibility I wanted to leave my sons? The answer was no. 

I made an appointment to talk with my Pastor. With  his understanding, and kind pastoral counseling we chose a niche 
in the Columbarium at Holy Family Catholic Church ( my parish 
church)  and picked a date. Today, August 1.

Mass was celebrated in remembrance of Mom and Gary. I didn’t share with many about what was taking place. Only my sons, Garrett and Gavin, and a few friends. Because Gavin and Garrett live a long way away in different states, I told them it wasn’t necessary for them to be here. I was keeping this as a private, solitary happening. But to my great surprise, long time family friend, Jeanne Joly walked into the church. Tears welled in my eyes when I saw her.  It seemed so right she was there. My Mother and Gary both died at home. Heartbroken and sad, it was Jeanne I called. She came immediately to hug me through my tears. To wait, and watch with me as the mortuary 
came to take my departed loved ones away.  And now here she was again to sit with me while I shed more tears, and say another goodbye to Mom and Gary. 
In her words, I came to say a final farewell to my dear friend, Lenora and to Gary. 
How very pleased my Mother and Gary would be. And so endearing
 to me.

Father Jeff Core also invited a few devout daily Mass goers to join us. Most,  friends from our Monday prayer group. At the Columbarium  Father prayed the traditional prayers for the dead, Eternal rest grant unto them, May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed , through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. And he blessed the urns and gently placed them inside the niche. He then closed the door inscribed with the nameplate; Mom and Gary’s remains now there for perpetuity. On holy ground. Near the House of God. 
…. And forever in my heart.
 Bound together for all eternity; a never ending love



  1. Dear Friend: Such lovely thoughts and words as you finish another task in the process of grief. Your two dear, sweet loved ones placed near so you will visit often. They are in your heart forever until you meet again. Blessings to you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

  2. My beautiful sister and nephew in law are smiling from Heaven at you ….they live on in your heart and so many others I have a place in mine and so glad they were in my life.,,, thank you for sharing my precious niece and know I love you so much ❤️

  3. Kathy, I've always been impressed by your religious convictions and devotion. I am truly happy in the hope that this celebration of Gary and your mother gives you the peace you deserve. Grateful, too, that Jeanne was there for you. Love you!

  4. You have honored their memory, and they have a beautiful resting place. God’s grace and peace to you Kathy.

  5. A beautiful blog you’ve shared. You make God happy, Kath. And, I know you did the same for your mom and Gary. God bless you🙏🏻❤️

  6. A Beutiful resting place for Dad and Grandma. A beaufiful spot for them
    I love you Mom!

  7. You’ve had some faith shaking hard times too close together….. the waiting to see them again is the toughest. I think God lends us good people, so we have something to appreciate. … this life is so precious and you give of yourself freely and we thank you for that… just know they were matches made in heaven… and will be again

  8. Kathy, that was absolutely beautiful. Your mom was like a second mom to me since we were 3 years old. I loved her so. Walt was like a little brother and Gary,,was a great guys and an excellent husband. Love you my friend.

  9. A lovely spot for your beloved Mother and Gary. I know they are smiling down at you saying, "my darling Kathy, well done".

  10. Kathy, your patience and trust in God showed you the right way. You inspire me so much. XOXO
