Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Birthday Musings




October 25, 2023. I’m 73 years old today. Is that possible? I wonder, where did all the years go? So quickly passing by.  Lyrics from the Fiddler on the Roof song Sunrise, Sunset tells it well. Swiftly go the years. One season following another, laden with happiness and tears.Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play? I don’t remember growing older, when did they?  (and I would add, when did I?)

I was born in 1950. In October of that year, America was still recovering from World War II, neighborhoods were neighborly, families in tact.  Goodnight, Irene was on the Hit Parade, movies Harvey and All About Eve playing at the Box Office; The New York Yankees won the pennant, and Harry S. Truman was President of the United States.                                              

My parents were young. I was their first child - the delight of my Mother’s heart. The brown haired, brown eyed baby girl she prayed for. From the moment I entered the world I felt loved and wanted; cherished. By my Mother, and Dad. By my grandparents. I think of the times of my life, and smile. Babyhood, childhood, teenage years, young adult. Marriage. Children. Middle age, and now old age.  For each I am grateful, and glad. I can see, as though looking through a window into the past of how very special each moment was. The people, the places, family, friendships and love. 

Not like a straight line that abruptly ends, but a circle with no ending, heartfelt and sweet that goes on and on.




  1. Absolutely delightful! And your mention of Fiddler on the Roof Sunrise Sunset made me recall you playing it on your baby grand piano…full circle, indeed.

  2. You are so beautiful like your mother....and how proud she was of you my awesome niece

  3. You have a wonderful life story, Kathy. Life has flown by for all of us in this generation I believe, but we have mor adventures ahead. God still has a purpose for us, the “common sense” generation. Love and hugs to you!❤️❤️

  4. We met at St. Rose of Lima School when we were both five years old. I turned 6 on September 23, 1950. I had a happy childhood as well. Oh the memories we could share about our grade school days.
    Happy belated birthday!
