Monday, August 22, 2022

Summer Rain August 2022

 Summer rain
so very welcome
drenching dry ground,
and providing needed 
drink to refresh wilted flowers 
and  thirsty trees.
Lightening pierces the dark sky
and thunder rumbles loudly
Raindrops fall atop the
red umbrella I sit under
on an old wood rocker.
There’s something peaceful
about listening to the steady
beat of the rain, like repeating 
a mantra to help soothe the soul
I ponder, are they 
tears from Heaven
of dear ones there?
Sad for those sad without them here
But in observing the rain
and pondering some more
Perhaps tears of joy
for true love claimed


  1. Beautiful are one amazing writer

  2. Love your thoughts on the rain. It was a long time coming. Dear ones must have held in the tears and when no longer could just let them flow. I love the smell of rain and the sound on a tin roof but my skylights will have to do for now.

  3. Beautiful expression…
