Thursday, September 23, 2021

Plan and Purpose

 i know the words of Scripture, trust and believe. And i do. Believe. That God has a plan and purpose. Life. And death. Our souls in eternity. Still, like a spoiled child, i stomp my feet and pout wanting my Gary here with me. And my Mother, and brother. To hear Mom’s voice, like she used to do, telling me to take a deep breath, to be still and know that all will be well. And my husband with his confidence, and conviction giving me confidence, too. And my brother with his sweetness and easy laughter making me laugh. 

For the first time in my life i live alone. Figuring things out on my own. But then i remember, except for God. He who is always near, and will see me through. Until one day, some day i will meet up again with those i love dear… and His great glory




  1. Replies
    1. Joy, I don’t know if you’ll get this reply , but thank you for always taking time to read my blog; I really do appreciate it!

  2. Thanks for sharing Kathy. Thinking about and praying for you today - 2 Cor. 4:16-18.
    Our present sufferings are preparing us for something so incomparable, so amazing, so marvelous that there are no words to describe it. That means that no trial, no pain, no isolation, no heartache, no loneliness, no weakness or failure, no sense of being put aside is without significance. All of it is playing its part in accomplishing God's work in our lives. It is building for us an incomparable weight of glory. It is clear that something tremendous is ahead. Not only does our daily inner renewal suggest it, and our present affliction proves it, but the very nature of faith guarantees it.

  3. Thank you! Beautiful words, and their meaning you share! I will look up, and read 2 Cor 4: 16-18 right now

  4. Very special heartfelt and insightful words for us always. Such a wonderful faith you have and I so love being your friend.

    1. It always says comment as with my email but makes me unknown. Sad face, pouty lip.

  5. Maybe I'm getting the hang of this.
