Sunday, October 13, 2019

Confused Memory, but forever love

i sleep next to the same man i have slept next
to for over 40 years , although he doesn’t
always know who i am . We sit together in the
TV room and he’ll ask where his wife is, i say
i’m right here, dear. No, no, says he, and points
to our Wedding picture hanging on the wall ; that’s
my wife . Yes, i say. That’s me . Just a long time
ago.  He wonders aloud whose house this is,
where’s the bedroom , and asks the time.
7 o’clock  i tell him. In the morning ? No, at night.
i mention our two sons, Garrett and Gavin
and he smiles . A minute or two passes, then a clear
moment of recognition, and he says, such good
men are they. The best part of me . I am so
proud of them , and love them so much.
Another minute or two pass, and again he
asks, whose house is this ?
And my heart in its longing , weeps for the
memory of how my husband used to be ,
but grateful for the moments we still share

1 comment:

  1. Through the sadness your love shines through. God bless you both.
