Thursday, May 16, 2013

Let It Go

Days seem short,
the night so long 
for the troubled heart
and wearied soul
Words that hurt, 
carelessly spoken by 
'faithful friend' festers
like a boil,  and lingers 
on,  deflating the spirit
and severing the bond
of what once was. 
Which is better - to ignore 
the slight of those 
so admired?  To release
the mockery of those 
held dear? Or  hold 
forever the pain they
impart by their lofty,
haughty ridicule and 
lack of respect ? I say
goodbye to that, let 
it go and forget,  for
surely,  in another
ten year no one 
will remember


  1. Very powerful and very thought provoking, Kath.

  2. Thank You for writing this. It is as Patty commented. I know myself I have no control over what others say or do the only one I can control is me. The past can not be change so learn from it and make today better. You are one amazing writer who can put into words what is in the heart. And that is a wonderful gift. Thank You again .

