Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Two Walt’s

What’s in a name you might ask. 
I’d say identification, reputation, recognition. Character.
 There are Biblical names like Abraham, Issac, Ruth and Esther. And names of Kings and Presidents; William, Henry, Theodore, Dwight.  There’s Elvis, the King of Rock and Roll. And the Beatles John, Paul, Ringo and George. When we hear those names in regard to their person we form an image of who they were (are), and what they represent. 

Since today, September 4 would be my brother’s 70th birthday I started my morning thinking of him, as I know our Dad did, and perhaps other friends and family members.  Walt was named for our Mother’s beloved grandfather, Walt Thorson. Mom adored her grandfather. She was raised by him and her grandmother, Blanche. From our earliest age, Walt my brother and I heard wonderful, loving stories about Walt, our great-grandfather
He was of Norwegian decent, born and raised in South Dakota. On his family’s farm in Vermilion. Mama said while Walt Thorson never wanted to be a farmer, but to find his place in the city, he and Grandma Blanche, and Mom would make the drive every year from their home in Council Bluffs, Iowa to Vermillion to help with the harvest. Walt Thorson was a convert to the  Catholic faith. He served as usher at their parish church, and was  an active member in Knights of Columbus. He started his career as a salesman for Harding Ice Cream, later to become Sealtest, and earned awards for being the company’s top salesman year after year. Maybe that’s one reason whenever Mom wasn’t feeling well he’d tell her ice cream would make it better. Something my Mother believed all her life! 

An endearing ritual Mother and Walt Thorson shared every night before bedtime was their  having a glass of milk and eating crackers together. A ritual my brother Walt Cooney and our Mom also shared. In thinking about the two Walt’s I try to imagine what kind of relationship they would have had. From the things Mom told us about Walt Thorson, of the twinkle in his blue eyes when greeting someone, his encouraging word to others, his kindness and good humor are all things I  saw in my brother Walt. And I think they may have had some other similarities. Both wore clothes well, and dressed stylishly. Both enjoyed playing cards and games. And for a time my brother Walt was active with Knights of Columbus, like his great grandfather. Mother gifted Walt her son with the Knights of Columbus ring and cuff links that once belonged to Walt, her grandfather. And very sadly,  both passed away in their mid 50’s of a massive heart attack. Both leaving behind a huge void in the lives of those who loved them.

My brother always knew he was named for his great grandfather, and I believe took pride in that, feeling a certain kinship with him; Knowing  he was named for someone so beloved and special to our Mother. 

Though I do remember when Walt Cooney was about five years old and hero worshipped the iconic TV cowboy,  Roy Rogers. When any new acquaintance would ask his name, Walt would tell them Roy. Roy Rogers. But that’s a name for a different time, and a different story. 

***Happy (Heavenly) Birthday, my dear brother. 


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Adidas Gazelle, a Special Saturday & Friendship

Vignette #2

 I’m so excited! They finally arrived! I’ve been waiting for years. The last time I had a pair was 1974 when Phyllis and I made a Saturday trip to an athletic shoe store in Long Beach, CA so I could buy red suede Adidas Gazelle’s.  They were a boys size 5 (equivalent to ladies size 7) as athletic shoe companies weren’t yet marketing to women. Phyl and I palled around together most Saturdays, so when my ever faithful friend said we’d drive to Long Beach for the shoes,  I wanted to give her a big hug! I don’t recall how we knew the shoes were there, maybe from a newspaper or magazine add. Remember, no searching the internet or cell phones then. I just knew I wanted those shoes, and Phyl knew I wanted them, and was going to help me get them! 

The shoes were just so cool! That red suede with three white stripes on each side.  The Adidas logo on the back, and word Gazelle angled under the stripe. 

Adidas had been around since the 1960’s, but I never owned any, or  did anyone I knew. We grew up wearing Keds and PF Flyers. And the cost of Adidas Gazelle in 1974 was $25. It seemed an exorbitant price when most tennis shoes were $5. to $8.  But I was smitten with their color and sleek look so was swayed, and gladly handed over my money to the sales clerk.                                        

Another reason I wanted them so badly right then is because I would be leaving for Europe soon  on a three month camping tour with another friend, Mary Kay. I planned on taking them with me. We slept in tents every night. After  two months of daily wearing  my red adidas without socks,  they started to have an odor.  One night Mary Kay said the shoes had to go outside, she and our other tent mate couldn’t take the stench any longer. So outside the tent they went.  The next morning when I went to retrieve my best shoes they were gone, disappeared. Vanished. We searched everywhere. To my great dismay, we never found them and concluded some wild critter grabbed them during the night.  I was able to buy another pair of Adidas in Austria, but not red suede Adidas Gazelle. I felt as though I had lost some of my stride, a bounce in my step. Mary Kay said how sorry she was about my shoes being lost, I say stolen. But secretly I think Mary Kay was relieved not having to deal with the smelliness of the sweaty suede at night - ha!

After I got home I was determined to find another pair of my favored Adidas Gazelle’s . I think Phyl and I even checked the shoe store in Long Beach again. But it was like they had withdrawn  from the marketplace. Other athletic shoes were on the rise. Nike, Puma, K-Swiss. But for me, I missed Adidas Gazelle. Through  the years I tried others; Reebok, Oasics, Sketchers. They were okay, but always lacked the comfortable, reliable, familiar fit of my red suede Adidas Gazelle’s.

 So you can imagine my delight when a few weeks ago I came across a picture of red suede Adidas Gazelle shoes on line. 

 After all this time! I thought I was seeing things. But no. There they were! My long missed Gazelle’s. I checked sizes and availability. Still no ladies size 7, so once again I bought a boys size 5. The cost has gone up considerably since 1974. But now, just like then I gladly paid. Eager to have the shoes.

If one thinks about it, there’s always been a lot written about shoes. The childhood story about the old woman who lived in a shoe . Wynken, Blynken, and Nod who sailed away in a wooden shoe. And the most famous shoes of all, Dorothy’s red Ruby shoes in The Wizard of Oz. I bet most folks have a favorite pair of shoes, and story that goes with them.  Pravda, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Jimmy Choo. Loafers, brogue’s, slingback or stiletto.  


 When my all time favorite shoes got here, I couldn’t open the box fast enough. Then I saw them, and smiled. Those awesome red suede Adidas Gazelle!  But as I  held them in my hand, and studied the cool look of them, I was surprised to find  something more than just having a pair of Adidas Gazelle again. It was the sweet, bright memory of that long ago Saturday when Phyllis and I spent the day together in search of the shoes I wanted so badly. And how our being together gave real meaning to the value of those shoes; what might be considered an ordinary day, was really a very special Saturday shared with my friend.


  • * The Gazelle's history includes many notable events: 
    • 1965 
      The oldest known Gazelle, a red prototype, showcased early design elements. 
    • 1968 
      The Gazelle was first introduced, and its appearance has remained mostly unchanged since then. 
    • 1971 
      The Gazelle's outsole received a hexagonal traction pattern for better grip. 
    • 1970s 
      Celebrities like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones wore the Gazelle. 
    • 1980s and 1990s 
      The Gazelle continued to gain popularity with celebrities like Kate Moss, Oasis, and the Beastie Boys. 
    • Today 
      The Gazelle has been re-released as part of the Adidas Originals line and has seen a comeback due to celebrity wearers like Harry Styles, Kendall Jenner, and Prince Harry. 
    The oldest known Gazelle, a red prototype, showcased early design elements. 
  • 1968 
    The Gazelle was first introduced, and its appearance has remained mostly unchanged since then. 
  • 1971 
    The Gazelle's outsole received a hexagonal traction pattern for better grip. 
  • 1970s 
    Celebrities like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones wore the Gazelle. 
  • 1980s and 1990s 
    The Gazelle continued to gain popularity with celebrities like Kate Moss, Oasis, and the Beastie Boys. 
  • Today 
    The Gazelle has been re-released as part of the Adidas Originals line and has seen a comeback due to celebrity wearers like Harry Styles, Kendall Jenner, and Prince Harry.